Terms of Service

Thank You for using the Arcana platform (the “Services”). These Terms of Service (the “Agreement”) explain what rights You have with respect to images and other assets which You might generate with the Services, or prompts You might enter into the Service (the “Assets”), Your use of the Services, and other important topics like arbitration. Please read it carefully. Our “Terms of Service” below outlines how We handle Your data.

This Agreement is entered into by Arcana Labs Corp. (“Arcana,” “We,” or “Our") and the entity or person agreeing to these terms (the "Customer," “You” or “Your”) and govern the Customer's access to and use of the Services.

This Agreement is effective when the Customer commences to use the Services (the "Effective Date") or to receive or distribute Assets. These terms may be updated and presented again to the Customer from time to time. Continued use of the Services constitutes acceptance of the updated terms. If You do not agree to this Agreement, please stop using the Services.

Other documents referenced here may also bind Customer’s use of the Services, including the Community Guidelines below.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The section titled “Dispute Resolution and Governing Law” contains an arbitration clause and class-action waiver that applies to all U.S.-based Arcana users. Please read this section carefully as it may significantly affect Your legal rights, including Your right to file a lawsuit in court.

1. Service Availability and Quality
2. Age Requirements
3. Your Information
4. Copyright and Trademark
5. DMCA and Takedowns Policy
6. Dispute Resolution and Governing Law
8. Payment and Billing
9. Community Guidelines
10. Limitation of Liability and Indemnity
11. Miscellaneous
12. Refund Eligibility and Request Procedure